/*! * The buffer module from node.js, for the browser. * * @author Feross Aboukhadijeh * @license MIT */ /*! ieee754. BSD-3-Clause License. Feross Aboukhadijeh */ /*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): https://github.com/facebook/regenerator/blob/main/LICENSE */ /** * @author Matt C (matt@artemisbot.uk) * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016 * @license Apache-2.0 */ /** * @author Matt C [matt@artemisbot.uk] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2018 * @license Apache-2.0 */ /** * @author Mikescher (https://github.com/Mikescher | https://mikescher.com) * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016 * @license Apache-2.0 */ /** * @author d98762625 [d98762625@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2019 * @license Apache-2.0 */ /** * @author j433866 [j433866@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2019 * @license Apache-2.0 */ /** * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @author Matt C [matt@artemisbot.uk] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016 * @license Apache-2.0 */ /** * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @author Phillip Nordwall [phillip.nordwall@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016 * @license Apache-2.0 */ /** * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016 * @license Apache-2.0 */ /** * @author tlwr [toby@toby.codes] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2017 * @license Apache-2.0 */ /** * Base64 functions. * * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016 * @license Apache-2.0 */ /** * Code resources. * * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2018 * @license Apache-2.0 */ /** * Custom error type for handling Dish type errors. * i.e. where the Dish cannot be successfully translated between types * * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2018 * @license Apache-2.0 */ /** * Custom error type for handling operation input errors. * i.e. where the operation can handle the error and print a message to the screen. * * @author d98762625 [d98762625@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2018 * @license Apache-2.0 */ /** * CyberChef - The Cyber Swiss Army Knife * * @copyright Crown Copyright 2016-2024 * @license Apache-2.0 * * Copyright 2016-2024 Crown Copyright * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Decimal functions. * * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2018 * @license Apache-2.0 */ /** * File signatures and extractor functions * * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2018 * @license Apache-2.0 * */ /** * File type functions * * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2018 * @license Apache-2.0 * */ /** * Stream class for parsing binary protocols. * * @author n1474335 [n1474335@gmail.com] * @author tlwr [toby@toby.codes] * @copyright Crown Copyright 2018 * @license Apache-2.0 * */ /** * Transform a json object into html representation * * Adapted for CyberChef by @n1474335 from jQuery json-viewer * @author Alexandre Bodelot * @link https://github.com/abodelot/jquery.json-viewer * @license MIT * * @returns {string} */ /** * vkBeautify - javascript plugin to pretty-print or minify text in XML, JSON, CSS and SQL formats. * * Copyright (c) 2012 Vadim Kiryukhin * vkiryukhin @ gmail.com * http://www.eslinstructor.net/vkbeautify/ * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * Pretty print * * vkbeautify.xml(text [,indent_pattern]); * vkbeautify.json(text [,indent_pattern]); * vkbeautify.css(text [,indent_pattern]); * vkbeautify.sql(text [,indent_pattern]); * * @text - String; text to beatufy; * @indent_pattern - Integer | String; * Integer: number of white spaces; * String: character string to visualize indentation ( can also be a set of white spaces ) * Minify * * vkbeautify.xmlmin(text [,preserve_comments]); * vkbeautify.jsonmin(text); * vkbeautify.cssmin(text [,preserve_comments]); * vkbeautify.sqlmin(text); * * @text - String; text to minify; * @preserve_comments - Bool; [optional]; * Set this flag to true to prevent removing comments from @text ( minxml and mincss functions only. ) * * Examples: * vkbeautify.xml(text); // pretty print XML * vkbeautify.json(text, 4 ); // pretty print JSON * vkbeautify.css(text, '. . . .'); // pretty print CSS * vkbeautify.sql(text, '----'); // pretty print SQL * * vkbeautify.xmlmin(text, true);// minify XML, preserve comments * vkbeautify.jsonmin(text);// minify JSON * vkbeautify.cssmin(text);// minify CSS, remove comments ( default ) * vkbeautify.sqlmin(text);// minify SQL * */